Saturday, January 24, 2009

2009 Comics - what's in, what's out

The new year brings many attempts at resolution, many fail. Here's what I will be following comic-wise for 2009, as well as what's getting the boot.

Superman and Action Comics will always be bought. Johns and Robinson have done a great job returning the book to its expected high-level. The imminent off-worlding of Superman has got me very intrigued, as I like my Superman stories more sci-fi.
Booster Gold - another book that I will continue to follow to the ends of time.
The Brave and the Bold - after the Green Lantern 4-parter, going to trade on this one.
Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps. DC's two most consistently engaging and well-done ongoings.
The Legion of Super-Heroes. With this issue, # 50, the book takes another cancellation. Oh well, see you in a few for the next try, future kids!
Justice Society of America. Four more issues and Johns is gone again. The Jack of Fables team is coming on board, but I haven't gotten to the point in Fables where JoF jumps off, so they're an unknown quantity; see you in the trades, JSA!
Batman. Definitely down for the Gaiman 2-parter; after that, gone til Morrison comes back.

The Avengers books - after the debacle that was Secret Invasion, New gets cut at 50, Mighty is dropped as of 21 and Dark is a no-go from the gate. How did they fuck this up so badly?
Captain America and Daredevil. When Brubaker goes, I'm out unless someone with seriously good chops comes on. Since those days seem very far away, we're good.
Ghost Rider. After the next issue, done. I haven't been loving this, despite some good concepts. This book actually read better under Daniel Way.
Iron Fist. I'm actually liking the
Swierczynski/Foreman direction - keeper.
Thor. Marvel's best ongoing, by a longshot. It's been 25 years since I even liked Thor.
All Mark Millar's Marvel work. Fantastic Four. Wolverine. Kick-Ass. It's all been very good so far. I'm there til he's not.
Runaways. Before I began my man-crush on Vaughan's mature work, I fell head over it for Runaways, which is far and away one of the best things I've read this decade. Moore and Ramos are doing a nice job taking this over.
Last, but not least - anything that Abnett and Lanning are doing at Marvel. Singlehandedly (or is that doublehandedly? They are two people...), they've managed to not only reinvigorate Marvel's cosmic community of characters, but also make Nova and the Guardians of the Galaxy viable monthlies. Johns may be more prolific and Morrison may be the master, but these guys are my favorites, hands down.

What am I missing? Let me know.

1 comment:

Chad Nevett said...

You are missing:

Captain Britain and MI:13. THIS is Marvel's best ongoing (aside from Captain America).